Now y'all just have to go over and see the folks at Top Drawer Designs. They were kind enough to stop by and rent some space from me, so I want to generate a bunch of traffic in return.
Blage and Asarasota have some remarkable pieces of art on their blog. Very unusual pieces, which is how I like it.
Blage describes the art as "Assemblage (A san blazh`)"
1.A sculptural technique or organizing or composing into a unified whole a group of unrelated objects, fragmentary or discarded objects.
2. a work of art produced by this technique.Collage and Assemblage art covers a wide gamut from modern art to pop art to abstract art, it can show up in mail art, avant garde art, constructivist art and often is the preferred medium of the revolutionary artist through the juxtaposition of elements to create a jarring or shocking effect.
So purty please could y'all go on over and give them a look-see? Thanks.