Class Watches '40-Year-Old Virgin' Movie
Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:08 PM EST
The Associated Press
LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) — Showing the R-rated movie "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" during high school Spanish class this week resulted in suspension for the teacher, who later resigned.
Fernando Del Pino was suspended with pay Tuesday for showing the movie to students at Lexington's Tates Creek High School a day earlier, said Lisa Deffendall, spokeswoman for Fayette County Public Schools. He resigned Thursday.
Good thing he did. Dumbass. I mean, come on. I have seen this movie and it is indeed hilarious, but didn't he even think to himself, "Gee, I wonder if the parents would object to their kids seeing this movie in school?" Obviously not.
Del Pino, who was hired in August, said he decided to show the film after a student brought it to class and said it "was very funny," the Lexington Herald-Leader reported Friday.
How old is this guy? Fresh out of college?
The movie is about a 40-year-old single man whose friends try to help him gain experience in sex.
R-rated movies are not to be shown to anyone younger than 17 without a parent or guardian. The movie was rated R for pervasive, explicit and crude sexual content and drug use.
And very crude humor and some dang nasty swear words too. Loved the hair waxing part when...
Parents of Tates Creek students must give written permission for their children to watch an R-rated movie at school, according to the school's video policy. Students whose parents object must be given alternative assignments.
Why would they even allow R-rated movies in school??? Hello!
The policy also states that the videos/movies "must be part of the lesson plan with genuine instruction objectives."
Deffendall said the investigation was initiated because "it appears that the Tates Creek policy was not followed." No duh! The suspension letter was issued Tuesday, the same day a complaint was reported to the district, she said.
Information from: Lexington Herald-Leader,

Name: Dana
Location: Chicago, and if y'all call me a Yankee, I'll have to cyber-smack ya'!
I'm just a mom of two, a crafter of jewelry, and to keep my sanity among the Yankees (kidding)I write southern-themed poetry, short stories and memoirs. I have been published on the web on sites such as USA Deep South, Southern Humorists, Muscadine Lines - A Southern Journal, Mosaic Minds and Long Story Short. I am also a contributor in Dew on the Kudzu and Weight-Loss where I write dieting humor.
And this is my blog... Kudzu, funny family stories, poems, family ghosts, snakes, sun-kissed southern memories all inside! Plus some travel reviews, recipes and more! I also make handcrafted jewelry! Check out my jewelry blog - Colors of the Woods
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Location: Chicago, and if y'all call me a Yankee, I'll have to cyber-smack ya'!
I'm just a mom of two, a crafter of jewelry, and to keep my sanity among the Yankees (kidding)I write southern-themed poetry, short stories and memoirs. I have been published on the web on sites such as USA Deep South, Southern Humorists, Muscadine Lines - A Southern Journal, Mosaic Minds and Long Story Short. I am also a contributor in Dew on the Kudzu and Weight-Loss where I write dieting humor.
And this is my blog... Kudzu, funny family stories, poems, family ghosts, snakes, sun-kissed southern memories all inside! Plus some travel reviews, recipes and more! I also make handcrafted jewelry! Check out my jewelry blog - Colors of the Woods
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"I believe that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, you can not baptize cats." - Larry the Cable Guy

A Tennessee man and an Alabama man were both fighting in a war and were captured by the enemy.
"Before we put you to death," said the enemy, "do you have any last requests?"
"Yes," said the Alabaman. "Could you play 'Yeah, Alabama' before you shoot me?"
"Sure," said the enemy. "How about you, Tennessean?"
"Could you shoot me before you play 'Yeah, Alabama?'"
courtesy of 100 Redneck Jokes
"Before we put you to death," said the enemy, "do you have any last requests?"
"Yes," said the Alabaman. "Could you play 'Yeah, Alabama' before you shoot me?"
"Sure," said the enemy. "How about you, Tennessean?"
"Could you shoot me before you play 'Yeah, Alabama?'"
courtesy of 100 Redneck Jokes

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