Today's theme is dog-walking. If you are a member of my newsletter, you will have recieved Thigh-Master, Move Over!, an exercise commercial parody. In sticking with that theme, I will describe to you my morning.
"Dana, get up!" my husband announces.
(10 minutes later)
"Dana, dadgummit! Get up!"
(5 minutes later)
"Do I have to knock you out of bed, woman? Get up!"
So, I stagger out of bed (I am a bad morning person) and begin to make the kid's their lunches for school. I yawn all the way to the school and drop them off with a kiss.
Now, instead of going back to bed, which I really wanted to do, I decided to take the dog on a walk. She has been down in the dumps lately and walking every morning seems to make her happier, so off we go.
She is a big dog, y'all, and when we go for walks, she 'bout near pulls my arm off in her eagerness to explore. Her nose is on high alert and her legs going full speed. She is a sight to see, sniffin' all the messages left by the other dogs on various plant pots, fire hydrants, etc....
All I could think of was, "Oh, Maggie's checking her email...oops, must be replying to all!"
Yeah, there's no accounting for what you will think when you are dog tired (no pun intended) and being dragged by your BADM (BeAdog-Master...see my recent Yahoo Group newsletter).
Now, I'm off for a nap (I wish).
**dog clip art courtesy of www.clipsahoy.com