1. Use codes when it's an emergency. Running through the attraction yelling "fire" is slightly alarming. Most park guests won't know there is a fire if you use your code.
2. The smell of an electrical fire in the console of your ride car isn't something you ever forget.
3. When kids put their arms around Tigger when taking pictures, their arms ain't around his belly! Trust me.
4. Don't pull Tigger's tail.
5. When people have to go to the bathroom badly and they are stuck waiting in line for two hours just to get on the Haunted Mansion, they make "doo" with plastic bags while riding in the dark. Trust me.
6. Don't ever trust a gangster named Mugsy Toccata (Great Movie Ride).
7. Don't roll your eyes at guests who ask you where they can find the Jaws ride and is it near Cinderella's Castle?
8. Ditto for the ones who ask you what time the 3 o'clock parade is.
9. Some of the best places to watch the fireworks aren't known to the public.
10. Even though the park is at capacity and there is a two-hour wait at your attraction, your 7th grade English teacher, who is waiting in line, will find you and begin yelling that your old band director says Hi.
11. Don't think you can say heck to your lines (Great movie ride cowgirl) and just ad-lib when there is a chance that a famous actor and his family will be on your tour. Trust me.
12. At opening day for the Disney MGM Studios, the tour guides at the Great Movie Ride wore shirts with a tear-off pocket so when the scene where the gangster shoots them comes up, they tear the fake pocket off, showing a bullet hole. For the guys it was OK, but the girls??? Right on their right boobs. Let's just say that when I did a practice run for Mr. Eisner, he said change the shirts because it looked as if my boob had been blown off.
13. If you are browsing from Blogazoo, here's a GaZoo for ya'.