Today is the first official day of summer vacation for my kids. They are so excited to have been promoted up a grade. Last night we took them to play putt-putt golf and played 36 holes. It was fun. We'd never been to that place before and had a good time exploring.
Today is clean up day in the house and out. I want to have a yard sale this month and get rid of a bunch of the kid's clothes and toys, so I will be busy for a while getting things ready. My parents are coming up for a visit in July, so I want the house to be at it's best. Considering how bad of a housekeeper I am, it will be a challenge. :)
The cicadas are still hanging around. Everywhere you go, you can hear the droning of the bugs in the forests and they...are...loud!
As you can tell from my previous post, I am PMSing a bit. Well, quite a lot. Hubby tends to forget the facts of life and wonders every month why I am bitchy. Helloo??? Think about it, Dear.
Anyway, hope y'all have a good weekend. Come back and visit soon.