Today, I wanted to bring to your attention a well-known place to locals called Palisades Park near Oneonta, Alabama.
Located on top of Ebell mountain in Blount County, Palisades Park gives its visitors awe-inspiring birds-eye views of the Alabama countryside.

Its 60-foot craggy, sandstone cliff-face is popular year-round with rock climbers, but that isn't the only attraction to the park. Hiking trails wind their way on top and around the mountain, and tempt the adventurer in all of us to find new and exciting places hidden in the bluffs. It can be rough, but worth it as long as you are careful.
Shaded by southern pines, magnolias, dogwoods and other native trees, the park invites folks to stay awhile with its wooden swings and rock picnic tables.

Picnic pavilions and two conference halls are also available for the various festivals and arts and craft shows that go on there.
Park hours are 9-5, January through March and 9-9 April through December.
Palisades Park (Blount County)
1225 Palisades Parkway
Oneonta, AL 35121
Phone 205 274-0017
*Photos taken by me, Dana Sieben, 2004