Hey guys and gals! Time to introduce my new renter, Noi, over at Voicing My Thoughts!
She is a book worm like myself and even writes poetry too! So I think we are a good blog-match, don't you?
Her blog reviews books she is currently reading, and not just mainstream, but stuff I have never picked up. Books on positive thinking and making a difference.
She's a New Age gal and her inner princess is Hilary Duff, so go on over and meet Noi and say Hi for me, 'kay?

Name: Dana
Location: Chicago, and if y'all call me a Yankee, I'll have to cyber-smack ya'!
I'm just a mom of two, a crafter of jewelry, and to keep my sanity among the Yankees (kidding)I write southern-themed poetry, short stories and memoirs. I have been published on the web on sites such as USA Deep South, Southern Humorists, Muscadine Lines - A Southern Journal, Mosaic Minds and Long Story Short. I am also a contributor in Dew on the Kudzu and Weight-Loss Articles.com where I write dieting humor.
And this is my blog... Kudzu, funny family stories, poems, family ghosts, snakes, sun-kissed southern memories all inside! Plus some travel reviews, recipes and more! I also make handcrafted jewelry! Check out my jewelry blog - Colors of the Woods
View my complete profile

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Creative Commons License.
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Dana Mosley Sieben

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Location: Chicago, and if y'all call me a Yankee, I'll have to cyber-smack ya'!
I'm just a mom of two, a crafter of jewelry, and to keep my sanity among the Yankees (kidding)I write southern-themed poetry, short stories and memoirs. I have been published on the web on sites such as USA Deep South, Southern Humorists, Muscadine Lines - A Southern Journal, Mosaic Minds and Long Story Short. I am also a contributor in Dew on the Kudzu and Weight-Loss Articles.com where I write dieting humor.
And this is my blog... Kudzu, funny family stories, poems, family ghosts, snakes, sun-kissed southern memories all inside! Plus some travel reviews, recipes and more! I also make handcrafted jewelry! Check out my jewelry blog - Colors of the Woods
View my complete profile
Copyright  2005 Dana Sieben - All Rights Reserved

This work is
licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
View my page on Indiepublic
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Dana Mosley Sieben

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If you'd like to share your thoughts via e-mail, get in touch with me here

Who Links Here

My Blog Has Gotten Me Into a Heap of Trouble
"Can't Chat, I'm Going to the Health Club"
Crossing my Fingers
Y'all Say Hi to Chase
Friday's Features - Rock Springs (Kelly Park) in A...
Wednesday's Recipes - Onion Soup Mix Potatoes and ...
Summer Can't Come Soon Enough
Just Passing the Time in the City
Friday's Features - Field Museum in Chicago, IL
Sorry for the dry spell...
"Can't Chat, I'm Going to the Health Club"
Crossing my Fingers
Y'all Say Hi to Chase
Friday's Features - Rock Springs (Kelly Park) in A...
Wednesday's Recipes - Onion Soup Mix Potatoes and ...
Summer Can't Come Soon Enough
Just Passing the Time in the City
Friday's Features - Field Museum in Chicago, IL
Sorry for the dry spell...

Who Links Here

Poetry Southeast
Mosaic Minds
Southern Scribe
SouthLit Magazine
Story South
Kudzu Monthly
Fail Better Literary Journal
The Moonlit Road
USA Deep South
Muscadine Lines - A Southern Journal
Long Story Short
Southern Hum
Literary Mama
Poetry Southeast
Mosaic Minds
Southern Scribe
SouthLit Magazine
Story South
Kudzu Monthly
Fail Better Literary Journal
The Moonlit Road
USA Deep South
Muscadine Lines - A Southern Journal
Long Story Short
Southern Hum
Literary Mama

"I believe that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, you can not baptize cats." - Larry the Cable Guy

A Tennessee man and an Alabama man were both fighting in a war and were captured by the enemy.
"Before we put you to death," said the enemy, "do you have any last requests?"
"Yes," said the Alabaman. "Could you play 'Yeah, Alabama' before you shoot me?"
"Sure," said the enemy. "How about you, Tennessean?"
"Could you shoot me before you play 'Yeah, Alabama?'"
courtesy of 100 Redneck Jokes
"Before we put you to death," said the enemy, "do you have any last requests?"
"Yes," said the Alabaman. "Could you play 'Yeah, Alabama' before you shoot me?"
"Sure," said the enemy. "How about you, Tennessean?"
"Could you shoot me before you play 'Yeah, Alabama?'"
courtesy of 100 Redneck Jokes

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